Major Benefits Of Outsourcing The SaaS Product Development

Major Benefits Of Outsourcing The SaaS Product Development

  Nov 24, 2020   SAAS

The global market for software development is ever-expanding as so does the popularity of Software as a Service (SaaS).  The new sales model of Saas development has replaced the more traditional model of software licensing. But the question is how these sales models of saas development can transition into something that is going to be beneficial for the software companies in this rapidly changing marketplace? 

Most of the SaaS items presently accessible are applications for the web and mobile. These require no establishment and work under a subscription model. This has numerous advantages for both the organizations and the clients. Above all, it's critical to see more about what a SaaS product truly is.

Why do you need to outsource any software development?

Essentially, outsourcing software development can help solve three explicit issues: providing access to talent, time-saving, and bringing down expenses. Furthermore, outsourcing can also provide scale and decrease time to market. Numerous organizations have already turned to outsource including start-ups and mid-sized technology companies. However, it is difficult for start-ups and mid-sized technology companies to come up with a firm decision. Most software companies develop early versions of their product in-house and repeat and rehearse until they discover a product-market fit. After this, they start developing their client bases. However,  as development quickens, so does the strain to meet aggressive product roadmaps, add new highlights, and fix bugs and usability issues. The heaviness of this work strains the internal software development team that they need to expand. In this article we try to look into SaaS product development, its necessary ingredients for successful product development, how to outsource saas product development, and the benefits of outsourcing saas product development.

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What is a SaaS Product?

Saas is simply a closed-based technique for software delivery that happens completely through the web. SaaS products utilize a membership-based pricing model. This makes very good quality software significantly affordable for clients. The product depends altogether on the cloud, permitting instant access that doesn't require any installation. It likewise implies that updates happen naturally. This permits the developers to keep control even after the item has been bought and delivered. A central issue is that the client isn't buying a lifetime permit for the item. All things considered, they buy a regularly renewing one through the flexible pricing subscription model. 

The Ingredients of Successful SaaS Product Development

Some of the major ingredients that are found in successful SaaS developments are :
  • Effective usage of offshore SaaS development
  • Incorporation of Agile development methodology
  • Skilled and qualified product developers
Outsourcing saas product development is mainly focussed on meeting these resources, through their unique development and distribution model. The entire process of product development comes to halt or slows down if there is an absence of any of these three factors. The Agile development methodology offers additional benefits of flexibility and speed by providing a communication-oriented, team-based approach to product development. Offshore Saas development, as we go in to explain in this article, requires sufficient skill sets in a cost-effective manner.  The skilled qualified product developers are hence the cornerstone of any SaaS product development. For any Saas app development company, it is important to choose and assemble a distributed offshore team to wisely invest the aforementioned resources of time, money, and energy.

Why do you need to outsource the development of your SaaS product? 

Saas development is completely cloud-based because of which everything from the turn of events, dispersion, and support is carried out smoothly and quickly. This form of cloud-based development and delivery let’s the customers access the unique and distinctive features that are available in more traditional software formats. In the world of mobile and web app development,  outsourcing services cover the entire lifecycle of app engineering which lets the users to select entire software packages or just specific segments.Outsourcing saas development projects regularly brings about a viable executed task including both the MVPstage and growth stage. The MVP stage is the early stage in the development that only has features sufficient to satisfy its early users. This is particularly evident with regards to creating software as a service (SaaS) solutions, which can introduce a unique and compelling list of challenges. Fortunately, outsourcing SaaS product development is economically convenient and helps the project to grow on a significant scale with each passing year. SaaS product development is distinctive in numerous ways from the development of more traditional products. This is mostly because of the sheer volume and scale to which the product is being developed. The development team is skilled enough to truly understand the end goal for the product and accordingly plan the technical advancements and deployments. All of these can be overwhelming for developing a new SaaS product or maintaining the existing one. It can be quite challenging as well as expensive to acquire qualified developers and the changing landscapes of technology can be time-consuming and further complicate the issue.

Benefits of Outsourcing SaaS Product Development

An easy & efficient way to outsource saas development necessitates a crystal clear vision with well-defined plans that has the potential to react to new challenges as they arise. Having said that let's study the major Benefits of Outsourcing SaaS Product Development.


One of the major benefits of outsourcing saas development is the reduced cost. It is mainly important in the case of Saas as it does not have the concept of quick profits, the necessity of growing fast, high customer churn and massive competition. A new Saas project is usually pressed for money, especially in the initial MVP stage. One of the benefits of outsourcing MVP development is that industries can create a minimum viable product without spending their budget. It is, without any doubt, easier to go ahead with the in-house team for companies that have huge capital to invest and are ready to feed it for a couple of years. However, outsourcing becomes the best and safe option to avoid large investments. 

Outsourcing saas product development
can help startups in numerous ways. Hiring skilled software developers for the hours that are put to work can bring down the expense drastically. This is how the money is used wisely while getting quality work with high technical knowledge. Developers that stay with companies for a long period of time may or may not deliver quality work, but when it comes to developers who get paid on an hourly basis, they need to deliver quality work because their reputations are at stake, ensuring skilled and sophisticated work with optimum resources utilized. There are even companies who go for their entire process of outsourcing saas product development to an experienced end-to-end delivery team. Wherever you outsource your project from, it is important to have a cost-effective plan of action that allows your outsourcing partner to add those special elements that translate a rough idea into a polished final product.  develop an app

No HR management and Expenses

Recruiting employees is a long complicated process, regardless of the fact that they are freelancers or in-house software engineers. You will have to dispense a ton of time and cash to select and settle all hiring and onboarding conventions and formalities. Training, office equipment, paid leaves, clinical protection, team-building, taxes, and the search for substitutes are only a portion of the things that are supposed to be managed locally. An agreement with an outsourcing agency can get you free from this daily practice and expenditure. This leads to another reason to outsource saas development where companies are already packed with developers and staff who have demonstrated abilities, strong foundations, and recommendations without having any HR to manage the employment-related issues.

Access to the Innovation

There may not be sufficient local specialists who have the necessary skills available for your project. Try not to restrict yourself to the fringes of one region or country. These days we have the ability to connect with people from all around the globe. Hence it is easy to find a rare specialist for less money by selecting from the global talent pool. One of the benefits of Outsourcing saas development is that they have already picked, checked, and tested the best candidates and are liable for the nature of their work. 

Access to New Talents

As already mentioned above, selecting a new resource is pretty tedious and costly.  It is additionally hard to track down suitable and qualified developers having the required skills and having the information to satisfy the frequently changing technologies. Outsourcing saas development team can handle a variety of tasks such as data management, automation, and security management. If the team members are stretched for a really long time, it might damage the company’s productivity levels and diminishes the spirit. This changes when the companies outsource resources for their projects where the partners are consistent and reliable, to fill key roles with the talents. 

Enhance Experience and Efficiency in Development Process

Outsourcing saas development gives access to many partners for recruiting new talent as it can be an expensive and slow process. Additionally, it takes a longer time to develop a team that provides resources well together with a wide network of experienced software engineers. Leveraging an outsourcing team helps to gain access for the specialists to imply and manage product data and product lifecycle. Also in the near future, if you choose the same partner for your to outsource project, their experience and advice can lead the process to a professional way. This is one of the areas where in-house vs outsource saas product development benefits come to play. 

Faster Project Completion

By outsourcing SaaS product development, an organization with recruitment abilities, you can avoid the unnecessary challenge of finding and recruiting the perfect individuals for the work. Recent estimates agree that it takes a normal of a month and a half to enlist tech workers. Furthermore, the exceptionally talented augmented staff does not need the sort of organization onboarding and hands-on preparing that your in-house developer needs to get started.

Outsourcing allows more flexibility and scaling quickly

Saas companies need to be flexible and scalable at a given time. With continuous growth and maintenance, it becomes necessary to meet market demands and compete with other companies. Software outsourcing companies aid you with a wide range of services like product development, UX/UI, maintenance or technical analysis, each with a different team of developers on different skill levels. An outsourcing team gives you the leverage to expand or decrease developers’ velocity accordingly. In an emergency case, you can also replace an unavailable developer, which means no development standstills. Tech stack and solution flexibility are the important ingredients that hold up the outsourced team and can give rise to a lot of freelancers.

It’s an opportunity to learn 

No matter how experienced your development team is, it’s difficult to comprehend the SaaS advancement cycle, client needs, and the difficulties that the project is likely to bring. In-house teams of any organization can take advantage of the experience of the offshore team. Working with consultants who have overcome the challenges throughout are considered valuable. The employees will have the occasion to work with the most sought-after experts in SaaS application development services in the industry. 


Working with an experienced and quality outsourced Saas development team has key benefits for commercial industries. The Cisco’s Global Cloud Index announces over 59 percent of Saas cloud workflows will be delivered by the end of 2020. outsourcing  SaaS development has become an integral part for most of the companies, to save time, resource and output. One will have to look for a trusted space for a completely personalized and dependable SaaS development service

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