Top 5 Best JavaScript Frameworks In 2020-21

Top 5 Best JavaScript Frameworks In 2020-21

  Jan 16, 2020   JavaScript

JavaScript's popularity continues it's rising and became the most popular language for modern web databases such as MongoDB and CouchDB which uses JavaScript as their scripting and query language. In 2016, we’ve witnessed great changes such as AngularJS upgrade its framework and introduce Angular 2, where jQuery that is applied on 96% of all JavaScript’s sites, the evolution of ECMAScript, back to back updates for Node.JS, React finest hours, and even more. 

JavaScript has become an important platform outside browsers as well. Projects such as Node.js and io.js provide powerful platforms to develop scalable server environments using JavaScript. The JavaScript power by Google’s V8 engines and Mozilla’s Spider Monkey which power Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox browsers.

Here’s what we know so far: Angular 4 is released, the ES2020 edition is planned for mid-2020, and Bootstrap release should be anticipated this year as well. JavaScript was named as one of the best programming languages to learn in 2020 by IBM.

javascript framework

The advantages of using JavaScript frameworks:

Efficiency:- Projects that used to take months and hundreds of lines of code now can be achieved much faster with well-structured pre-built patterns, libraries and functions.

Security:- Application developed using JavaScript frameworks have firm security arrangements and are supported by large communities where members and users also act as testers.

Cost:- Most of the frameworks are open source and free. Since they help programmers to develop custom solutions faster, which lowers the web development cost.

Best JavaScript frameworks in 2020:



Angular.js is mainly known as an MVW (Model-View-Whatever) framework and among the top benefits, for startups and mid-sized companies. AngularJS is largely utilized as a part of building exceedingly robust and adaptable Single Page Applications (SPA). Single page application structure is composed in JavaScript and allows utilizing HTML as a template language. It helps to develop quick code, easy testing of any app part and two-way data binding where changes made in the backend are immediately reflected in the UI.

 It assembles rich and natural web applications and furthermore AngularJS Framework has gained an extraordinary admiration for itself, which has made it very popular among the AngularJS developers. It has the capacity to build web applications like no other. With a rapid development pace, easy code integration, readiness for unit testing AngulatJS can certainly be your choice for next project. 

Angular 2+: 

The best way to kick start an app or MVP is by using AngularJS. With a rising popularity and more and more features coming to the core, the Angular team decided to rewrite the original framework, introducing Angular 2. Some say Angular 2 and AngularJS share only one thing: the name. There is a migration path (called ng-upgrade) from AngularJS to Angular 2. However, Angular 2 is still a brand-new framework sharing only some concepts of its predecessor.

Read More On: Should I Use Angular 1 Or Angular 2?


React Framework

React.JS is rightly considered as the fastest growing JS framework, there are thousands of contributors available on GitHub. In MVC (Model-View-Controller) pattern React.js acts as “V” and can be smoothly integrated with any architecture. It is based on the concept of DOM manipulation which is a costly operation and needs to be minimized. It additionally acknowledges that optimizing DOM manipulation by hand will end in lots of boilerplate code, which is error-prone, boring, and repetitive.

Despite the fact that React has a higher learning curve, simple flow of data, coupled with dead simple display logic, makes App development with ReactJS straightforward and simple to understand. It can be a perfect fit for complex, high-load and awesome software solutions.

Webix JavaScript Framework

webix Framework

Webix is an easy-to-use and time-saving tool for web UI programming and web business applications development. The key point of this framework is the number (100+) of ready-made UI widgets with really nice design. Currently it is the best framework for prototyping and high-speed web development. From the technical side, Webix offers two products: component library and microframework (Webix Jet) for better web layout organization.  

Webix was released in July 2013. Its teamwork hard and you can get a new major version each year.

There is a free opensource version and a commercial license with a number of extra products, features and support services. The most useful extras are complex widgets, which are some sort of single page applications focused on current business purpose: File Manager, User Manager, Kanban Board, Pivot Table, Spreadsheet, Document Manager, Scheduler and Report Manager.

Detailed documentation, code examples, and a library of templates help to explore this product and speed up the development process significantly.


Vue Framework

Vue.js is a library preferred for developing web interfaces. VueJS is Simple, minimal core with an incrementally adoptable which can handle any applications of various scale. Vue 2.0 was also introduced in 2016 which took the best from EmberJS, ReactJS and Angular, putting all into a single makes it a handy package. Vue.js proves to be faster while compared to React and Angular 2.0. On the other hand, Vue is also perfectly capable of powering dynamic Single-Page Applications when used in combination with modern tools and supporting libraries. If you’ve come across any of the websites like as laravel.com, gitlab.com, laracast.com then you’ve already come across and used vuejs on the Web.


Vue Framework

Meteor is not just a JavaScript library it is a full-stack solution that contains front end libraries, a Node.js-based server, and a command-line tool. Meteor is among the most popular JavaScript frameworks but which comes well-heeled with tons of features for back-end development, front-end rendering, database management and business logic. Since the release in 2012.

This full-stack platform enables fast development of end-to-end web and mobile applications in pure JavaScript. Due to the modular structure, all the packages and libraries can be used at pace. In terms of performance, all the changes in the database are immediately transmitted to the UI and in conversely with no evident time losses caused by different languages or server response time.

MeteorJS meets all the phases of software development life cycle and takes care of such old processes like linking, files concatenation, and others. We never have to link files with the <script> tags in HTML. Meteors have the command-line tool which automatically collects JavaScript or CSS files in our library folder and links it to the index.html file, which is served to clients while page load for the first time. This makes structuring code in separate files as easy as creating them.


Nodejs Framework

Node is not a framework it's a platform, or a runtime environment but enormously popular and growing in 2017 in terms of its community, opportunities and versatility.It is one of the most popular JavaScript-driven technologies nowadays

It was developed in 2009 by Ryan Dahl and since then, the framework has evolved into a well-developed ecosystem. Its package manager is full of useful modules and developers around the globe have started using it in their Node JS development environments.

Node is a runtime (with some bonus features) that lets you create bare-bones web servers in JavaScript - but you can add huge amounts of the functionality on top of Node with modules. So, in reality, you will use Node with some sort of web application frameworks like Express/Hapi/Koa and much more.


These frameworks and libraries have updated which helps JavaScript to collaborates with HTML and CSS to compile views both in browsers and on native platforms. Choosing the best JavaScript framework is not about features that each can offer. Java Scripts framework is the most preferred when it comes to Rapid Web Application Development and prototyping and in 2017 it won’t become an exception.  It depends on initial company goals, project requirements, general framework functionality, and how it can be applied in each particular case. 

Also Check out our Article : 15 Top JavaScript Based Data Grid Libraries of 2019 & 2020

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