
Hosting eCommerce website on AWS platform- Amazon Web Services.

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Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud

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Amazon CloudFront

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Amazon Simple Storage Service

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Apps Dev Hub, a leading AWS cloud consulting company in Pune, India. Our Expert AWS cloud team creates Mapro roadmap for AWS cloud Hosting Journey. We ensure them for disaster recovery (DR) of website & data redundancy. For best performance we work on online storage facility (Unlimited storage and bandwidths).

Amazon EC2 ensures that website is up and running 24×7

Our Expert AWS team works on Mapro migration on AWS platform, with zero downtime and without losing valuable data. Our AWS Cloud team deployed the Mapro eCommerce website on Amazon EC2 web server. This helps to auto-scale it with multiple servers for load balancing to provide Mapro with excellent ability to scale.

Amazon S3 used for storage; Pay only for what you use

Early Mapro has performed manual data backup that required a large backup window. Once the databases and applications were migrated on AWS, Angular Mind's expert AWS team configured a new backup process which greatly needed. Before AWS, website back up schedule was set weekly. Now, backups are configured nightly to Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3).

Adopted Amazon CloudFront, improving the customer experience

Angular Mind's recommendation of adopting CloudFront will provide a vastly improved end customer experience; this will smoothly distribute content. Through using Amazon CloudFront Our Expert AWS Cloud team is able to cache files at over many global points of presence.

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By analyzing Mapro's targeted user base our designers formulated eCommerce website design, which scored very high on user experience. Rather than going for a traditional website, we tried a new approach for Product page. We have added New Features like Mapro Original, Product Shelf Life, Reviews and Ratings, Easy Return Assurance, Multiple Product Images with Zoom Option.

Online Mapro Ecommerce store - Features and Benefits

The delivered project is the result of various discussion rounds held between team members of Apps Dev Hub and Mapro Team. We also bring in a perfect balance of professionalism and user-friendliness to their website. We paid special attention to the brand value. Creating such an ecommerce website was a UX challenge for experts at Apps Dev Hub

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Easy to operate content management system

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Set product page URL and SEO elements for products

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Quick Customer Login for Google and Facebook Accounts

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Integrated payment gateway for Secure Shopping

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SMS Gateway Integration to set messaging for order status

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Social media sharing buttons for products

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Customer's Feedback with Rating and Reviews.

Learn about how the Online Mapro store works and Performs

Customer expectations are our biggest challenges. We developed Mapro eCommerce store that strike a chord with their target audience. We came up with a fully customizable ecommerce store to achieve higher sales results.

Front End, that gives a brand a competitive edge

Performance matters the most when it comes to ecommerce shopping experience. AWS Cloud solutions make it easy to get best performance. Once Customer has put items in the shopping cart, integrated payment gateway is used to complete the order process.

Admin Panel, a multi functionality Platform

We have given complete control to Mapro team. Admin panel contains different sections for products, shops, branding banners to gather business information and make decisions. . Mapro team gets access to statistics and data related to sales, earnings, products, reviews and orders. They can easily import bulk data to system.

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Adding More to Store Awesomeness

We realize the new-age demands in mobile shopping. Our Mapro online grocery store is fully responsive for all devices.

Design concept, UI, UX, content categorization, performance optimization and everything else related to make this store a flawless performing grocery web application will be taken care by our development team.

Newsletter subscription is used to notify customers on updates of products, new arrival and discount offers.

Our Backend team is always there for support and maintenance of live ecommerce store.

Customer Feedback


You guys are really on top of all the new technology, and I am just glad that our project ended up in such great hands. I am extremely proud of what we have created. You have always gone above and beyond for me, and have never say "This is impossible" or "We can't do this", which I love.

Arbaaz Shaikh - Mapro

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