

CampusDrivers is an Online Job Portal that displays current job requirements where Employers can post job opening & requirements along with Job Description and other details. Campus Drivers intended to target specific audience looking for jobs.


Apps Dev Hub was required to set up a job portal platform where candidates search for job and employers post their job opening. System Administrator was required to manage job posting, manage employers and approve the posted jobs. Merging these two platforms was the key challenge to be faced by Apps Dev Hub.

How we made it?

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In order to implement required functionalities Apps Dev Hub technical team opted the right blend of technologies to be used in the development process of this project. For developing Admin Panel and Employers Systems, they have made the use of reliable open source PHP/Codeigniter Platform. Having it as the base, Angular Minds did further responsive Job Portal with HTML5 and CSS3 along with Bootstrap framework. There are various other functionalities which are elaborated further in this case study.

Front End : HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, JQuery, Bootstrap

Framework : Codeigniter (PHP)

Database : MySQL

Proposed Solutions

Advance Search Option

To narrow down the search process, a location and keyword based search were placed on website and this advance search functionality has helped to search the required job without visiting each job pages.

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Campus Drivers is job portal for refreshers where they need to register themselves to apply for particular job post with nominal onetime fee. This payment was made through payment gateway. Campus Drivers Job Portal works differently by providing free registration to employers. They just need to put their details along with job post and after approval of system admin, employers can post their jobs on Campus Drivers Job portal.

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System Admin

System Admin is the administrators who have authority to manage job posts of Employers. System admin can publish or hide particular job post. System admin can use search function to search the job by using Employers name or job title.

System admin can update the status of candidate as pending, confirmed, active or block. System Admin can manage any candidates' account or able to add new candidate without paying online. System admin can download reports with custom date range such as daily, weekly or monthly. There are sales reports, candidates' reports, employers' reports and many more reports.

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Employers System

Apps Dev Hub developed a system through which the employers can Post Job Opening (Title of jobs, Job Description, Candidate Profile, Job Expiry Date and other details) for employers interested to post a Job opening on CampusDrivers.in

System Admin can download excel sheet of applicant Candidates or they can directly View bio data of particular Candidate.

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The idea of gaining more response for Job openings and encouraging candidates to apply was based on publicity and how could that happen without the help of social media. So the integration of social media share option which was a much needed requirement by client.

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The testing team of Apps Dev Hub worked with development team as Campus Drivers Job Portal gets completed. The testing team was deployed to check the functionalities involved in it in order to make it error free.

The outcome

The ideas of CampusDrivers.in were turned into reality through the efforts made by the technical experts, skilled developers and testers of Apps Dev Hub. CampusDrivers is a common platform for Employees and Employers for Job requirements.

Client's Speak

" I want to express my appreciation for the wonderful job and the excellent project management by Apps Dev Hub for creation of my first ever Job Portal - Campus Drivers. They handled the process of developing my portal proficiently and professionally. Working with Apps Dev Hub team was a great experience."

- Mr. Nikhil Batra,
CEO, Founder, Campus Drivers